Monday, February 11, 2013

Down Sizing

Hello Hello!
      I hope everyone had a fantastic week! This week was a big one with Transfer calls. Going into it, I was fairly certain I would be transferred. However, there is never a certainty to this bidness. Well the phone call rolls around and instead of doing it in a big conference call as normal, they now do it to the individual companionship's. It was Elder Bangater that called, one of the APs. He said, "I will start with Sister Linford. SIster Linford, you have been transferred! You will be going to Eisenhüttenstadt next Tuesday!! You will be in a drit(german for tri) serving with Sister Müller and Sister Schneider!" I was SHOCKED! That is the very last city I wanted to serve haha. It is THE smallest area. You can bike around the whole town in no time, so I hear. 4 of my 5 companions have served there and all they say about it is, "Ugh, that place is awful!" haha, but really all negativity aside, I am stoked! Plus, I have two Swiss companions! I know both of them well, and I am very excited to serve with them! It will only be for one transfer with new sisters coming in next transfer. I really am so excited to see what serving in a drit is like. It is also good for me (well maybe haha) to see what a little town is like. I am going to suprisingly an even smaller branch, however the members are famous for being incredible! Fun adventures will be had!!
      This week was full of moves! We helped a whopping 3 different people move this week! Whooo, it was a good work out! One of the moves that took place was with the Dunn couple. This is the only American people I have met here in Rostock. I talked about them a few emails ago when I said they were the funniest eating appointment I have ever had. There are a young adventurous couple that are sure to bring the laughs! We were sad to watch them take their jokes and good times to Denmark where his new job resides.
      This week we were able to set 2 more baptismal dates! Anthony and Justice are roommates that I have talked quite a bit about. They have been coming to church the last 2 months and are just incredible to teach! Justice will be baptized Feb. 23, with Anthony following the week after on March 2nd. They are both soooo ready and have worked so hard to get to where they are.
      Bodo continues to do amazing! He is officially 2 weeks coffee free and continues to keep every other commitment we give him as well! It was funny on Sunday, I asked him how his praying has been going. His response, "Well not so good. I prayed that you would stay in didn't work. I think I need more practice!!" haha I was laughing so hard. He is really getting excited about his baptism, and after 6 years of investigating the church, he is ready!!
      The Preets are doing fantastic! Amanpreet had VERY exciting news.....she is pregnant! She has been trying to have a baby for years unsuccessfully, so this news came as quite the suprise! We were both so excited that we were jumping up and down just screaming! Plus, they threw me the best going away party EVER. I have never laughed so hard in my life, and I got an Indian feast......just doesn't beat that!!
      Mark, is still freaking awesome! I have convinced him he needs to move to the US. I think he really might go for it too. I told him about the international program at BYU and he is going to check it out. After 6 years in Germany he is ready to move and doesnt want to go back to Indonesia. He wants to become a doctor and what better place than the states?! I really hope that route works out for him. He was also really excited to go to BYU and make his final step into "mormonhood" has he calls it :).
      Spiritual thought: A quick quote by Elder Russel M. Nielson, "As we go through life, even through very rough waters, a father's instinctive impulse to cling tightly to his wife or to his children may not be the best way to accomplish his objective. Instead, if he will lovingly cling to the Savior and the iron rod of the gospel, his family will want to cling to him and to the Savior. "This lesson is surely not limited to fathers. Regardless of gender, marital status, or age, individuals can choose to link themselves directly to the Savior, hold fast to the rod of His truth, and lead by the light of that truth. By so doing, they become examples of righteousness to whom others will want to cling."
      Thanks for the continuing love and support! It makes such a difference knowing I have it! I wish the best for you all! Good luck with this next week and KEEP THE FAITH!!!
Sister Linford

Kirche Jesu Christi
Sister Jessica Linford
Heilbornring 11

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